A proud first-generation Greek-American, I was fortunate to grow up in a family where hard work, multiple languages and cultures (e.g., Greek and Spanish), and what we now call ‘STEAM’ (Science, Technology, Math, Engineering, Arts, and Math), were at our core and our education was always a top priority.
My own time as a student in public schools taught me the importance of fostering a lifelong ‘learning mindset’ as a foundation for long-term success in school and beyond.

After my undergraduate studies at Rutgers University (B.A., Biological Sciences and Journalism/Mass Media double major) and graduate school at NYU (M.A., Biology), I made the big move to California and moved to Half Moon Bay in 2002 – and haven’t looked back since.
My husband, Joshua, has been a true partner throughout our many years of family and career, and we are proud to be raising our two boys, now teens, as part of the next generation of Coastsiders.
Supporting my kids as a parent and school volunteer throughout their adventures through both the Spanish Immersion and Traditional English programs at Hatch Elementary, as well as at Cunha Intermediate and Half Moon Bay and Pilarcitos High Schools (e.g., volunteering at school sites for Art in Action, Hatch library, Junior Land Stewards and other field trips for several years), and connecting with our diversity of Coastside families has given me tremendous insight and appreciation into the fuller Pre-K to Adult school continuum and variety of student needs.
During my 17-year career in biotech, including 12 years at Genentech/Roche, I gravitated toward roles, mostly in strategic planning and communications, where I could help innovate ways to deliver science for the benefit of patients with serious unmet medical needs.
Working in a complex, highly regulated professional environment with cross-functional, collaborative teams; objectively analyzing data for both short- and long-term planning; and an 'end user' (in this case, patient) focus, were all skills these opportunities allowed me to hone.

Kids grow up fast – and there is still so much to learn about our world! – so I shifted gears from my biotech career to focus on my family and our community in 2016, succeeding that November in my run for our local school board, then again in 2020.
I’m proud of our many accomplishments over the past several years as a Cabrillo USD Board Member, including expanding early childhood education, launching college dual enrollment, receiving a US Green Ribbon Award, navigating a global pandemic and its ongoing aftermath, improving facilities, passing parcel tax and bond measures, initiating implementation of restorative practices, navigating the impacts of chronic underfunding, and developing our first-ever, student-focused strategic plan.
Further to my direct work within Cabrillo USD and with our partners (e.g., Cabrillo Education Foundation, Boys' and Girls' Club of the Coastside, The HEAL Project, Coastside Land Trust, and our PTOs), I work at the County and State levels to advocate for our schools and systemic changes needed to address many of our local needs.
This work includes serving as President of the San Mateo County School Board Association, where we address topics such as educator recruitment and retention, and a Legislative Committee Member for the California School Boards Association (e.g., my testimony to the CA Senate Education Committee supporting SB 1315), as well as my prior work as a member of the Coastside Recovery Initiative. I'm grateful for these crucial partnerships as we continue to bring the systemic changes we need in order for our Coastside public schools to thrive.

In my 'free' time when not volunteering or advocating for our schools or caring for my family and our menagerie of pets, I enjoy spending time exploring our world-class beach trails, redwood forests, and historical points of interest, as well as joining in community events from HMB Rotary's Lobs, gardening, crafting, and cooking a variety of locally-sourced culinary delights.
We’ve accomplished so much over the past several years, yet much work remains. Building on my direct experience, skills, and growing network on the Coastside and beyond, including a collaborative board and highly talented school leaders, teachers, and staff, as well as the supports we'll need at the County and State levels, I’m excited to continue serving our community in this role!

Last updated: October 21, 2024